Descendants of: Wendell Haws Eyring - 1918


1. Wendell Haws Eyring Sr.

Family records/documents of Wendell Haws Eyring & Verda Ray Eyring
Personal knowledge of Verda Ray Eyring: 44 South LeSueur, Mesa, Az 85204
Ancstrl File Number 4PBP-RG
Wendell has served a Stake Mission in San Tan and a Temple Misison in Mesa, Arizona temple.

Verda Ray

From records/personal knowledge of Verda Ray Eyring
44 S. LeSueur, Mesa, Arizona, 85204
Ancstral File Number 4PBP-SM
Verda served as PTA President in Kyrene School District. She served with Wendell in a Stake Mission
to San Tan. She served a temple mission in the Mesa, Arizona temple.
Death & burial info. from personal knowledge of daughter Twila Edith Eyring.
Son Nick Eyring dedicated the grave.

6. Patricia Kathleen Eyring

From records/personal knowledge-Verda Ray Eyring
44 South Lesueur, Mesa, Arizona, 85204
AFN: 77GK-7P

11. Twila Edith Eyring

From records/personal knowldge-Verda Ray Eyring
AFN: 77GK-CD Confirmation date: 3 Aug. 1969
Twila served a full-time mission to New York, Rochester "The Cradle of the Restoration" - 1982/1984.